Tuesday, April 27, 2010

District 4410 Team Arrives!

After a long and weary flight, the incoming team from District 4410 arrived safe and sound on Friday afternoon, April 23rd. They were very happy to finally be here and they brought the sun from Espirito Santo along with them! District Governor John Cox, GSE co-Chair Chandra LaHusen, local coordinators Don Arkell and Camille Ronzio along with a hold group of Rotarians from Southtowne, Airport, Twin Rivers and Delta clubs and I were there to greet them and get them started on their journey! Our outbound team has it's last meeting the Thursday night before we leave the morning of Friday April 30th. Our team will be there for when they return home and we will all meet at their District Conference. My next post will probably be from Espirito Santo, so follow along!

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